The Department of Psychology
A Path into Clinical Psychology
Date: Wednesday,
March 25, 2015
Time: 6:00
PM – 8:00 PM
Location: Room
115 International Center
Speakers Bio:
Alytia Levendowsky, PhD. – Dr. Alytia Levendosky is a Professor of
Clinical Psychology and the Director of
Clinical Training. She teaches psychodynamic theory and therapy and supervises
student psychotherapy in the Clinical Psychology program. Her research interests involve interpersonal processes,
particularly within attachment relationships, and how trauma, such as intimate partner violence, can affect these processes.
Current research includes the effect of intimate partner violence during
pregnancy on infants, a daily diary study to understand microprocesses involved
in dating violence, and interpersonal processes in psychotherapy.
Chris Hopwood, PhD. – Dr. Christopher Hopwood is an Associate
Professor of Clinical Psychology. He teaches graduate personality assessment,
supervises student assessment and psychotherapy in the Clinical Psychology
program, and an undergraduate course in clinical psychology. Both undergraduate and
graduate students are active participants in his lab, which focuses on
personality assessment, interpersonal processes, and psychotherapy.
Cait Listro – Caitlin Listro is a fourth year student in the Clinical Psychology
doctoral program. Her research is primarily concerned with the development and
expression of physically aggressive behavior. Specifically, she is interested
in the role of empathy in predicting aggression. As a fourth year, her time is
spent working on personal research projects, developing her dissertation plan,
working in her adviser’s lab, seeing clients, facilitating a therapy support
group, and acting as a teaching assistant.
Allison Gornick – Allison Gornick is a first year student in
the Clinical Psychology doctoral program. Broadly, she is interested in
children’s emotional development within a family context as well as the
development of internalizing problem behaviors. As a first year, her time is
spent working on her master’s thesis, taking classes, working in her advisor’s
lab, and leading recitation sections.
Topics to be covered:
is Clinical Psychology?
School Preparation
between counseling & Clinical Psychology
School Process
PhD or PsyD
to Students
Teaching and Therapy
And MORE….