Hello, I am Lindsay Spitzley. I
am joining the Psychology Department as an Academic Advisor in the
Undergraduate Psychology Advising Center.
I completed my bachelor's degree
at Central Michigan University with majors in Psychology and Family Studies.
During my undergraduate program, I had the opportunity to study abroad in Paris
and London on a faculty-led program. I am currently working on completing my
Masters in Education with an emphasis in College Student Affairs Leadership at
Grand Valley State University (GVSU) in April 2016.
Between my
undergraduate and graduate programs I completed two years of national service
with an AmeriCorps program. I served at Alma College working to promote college
access to local K-12 youth. Before joining the Psychology Department I worked
with MSU Career Services and GVSU Financial Aid. I am excited to be joining the
Psychology Department and look forward to meeting with students regarding their
academic and career goals.